Enduring Power Of Attorney
By establishing an enduring power of attorney, you are designating the responsibility of managing your financial affairs and personal care decisions to a trusted person should you become mentally incapacitated. You may choose one or more attorneys. Mullery Solicitors can help guide you through the process of nominating an attorney to handle your affairs, ensuring you are protected should you become mentally incapable of handling them yourself.
When entering an enduring power of attorney, your solicitor and general practitioner must sign a certificate indicating that they are happy you are of sound mind, as you cannot enter an enduring power of attorney if you are not mentally capable.
Who should enter into an Enduring Power of Attorney?
Neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia are still fairly common, particularly amongst those who are aged 70 and over. As such, we advise that you should seek to have an enduring power of attorney in place at least before you turn 70 years old, especially for those who have a history of neurological conditions in their family. We also advise single or widowed people who have reached retirement age to nominate an attorney.
If you would like further information on entering an enduring power of attorney, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9am until 5pm.